Paparazzi releases new styles EVERY weekday, some of which sell out in less than a minute! Pre-orders are a great way to reserve popular items that may sell out before they even arrive at our store. All items marked Pre-order have been ordered from Paparazzi but have not arrived yet from the warehouse. Pre-order items are subject to longer shipping times.
We usually receive the product within one week of our order date. However, at times of high demand or extenuating circumstances, orders can take as long as four weeks to arrive. Once we receive the items, we normally ship the same day or next business day. If we are expecting longer than usual shipping times, we will show an availability date in the product description.
We suggest that Pre-order items be ordered separately from In-stock items, as in stock merchandise can be shipped immediately. If you combine in-stock and pre-order items into one purchase, all items will be shipped when the pre-order items are available.
In the unlikely event that we don't receive our order from Paparazzi, due to carrier damage, package lost in transit, or Paparazzi inventory errors, we will refund 100% of the cost of your pre-order items. If no other items were ordered along with your pre-order items, we will also refund your shipping. If other items were ordered along with your pre-order items, we will ship those items to you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please Contact Us.